
The Real 360 Assessment is a powerful process for individuals to gain different perspectives on how they work and communicate with their teams, clients, and stakeholders. This process is for employees, entrepreneurs, CEOs – anyone who is motivated to learn about her or his own leadership and performance, and take action to enhance and improve their skills and relationships.

What’s unique about the Real 360 Assessment?

  • Specific and open-ended questions directly related to an area of the individual’s performance or behavior are the core of the assessment.
  • The unique data provided by reviewers is kept confidential.
  • Patterns are presented back to the individual being assessed, with a report to follow.
  • Together we create an implementation plan.
  • The plan is supported through regular coaching sessions – in person, over the phone or video conference

The Real 360 Assessment is for you if you’re ready to:

  • Provide at least 9 people to review you anonymously – peers, supervisors, direct reports, clients, other stakeholders
  • Learn the common joys and challenges others experience in working with and knowing you
  • Understand your leadership gifts and skills more deeply
  • Create a plan for enhancing your skills and improving your growth areas
  • Be coached and held accountable through your implementation plan
  • Commit to change

let's talk